The admission process runs on the district timeline each year. Families apply online during open enrollment of their child's 5th grade year, typically in November, but the exact dates are published online ( each year. Application to LWSD Choice Schools is free of eligibility requirements other than students are required to be residing within the LWSD district boundaries. Applications are sent via ParentSquare for LWSD families and online for students living within the LWSD attendance area but not attending a LWSD school, as well as district employees. The lottery is conducted centrally using a computer-based random number sequence generating tool. Notifications are sent out via ParentSquare by the district. Admission is based on a district run lottery and not on academic merit. Once families accept placement at a choice school, they will be removed from all other choice school lottery lists. The original lottery list of Stella applicants will be maintained for three years. If students decline placement, the school moves to the next student on the lottery list. Once a student accepts placement in a Choice School, they are immediately removed from any other lottery lists they may be on. Students on the lottery list, do not need to re-apply, they carry their lottery number forward each year.