About Stella Schola
Stella Schola
13505 NE 75th Street, Redmond 98052
Grades 6-8
- Maximum 90 students total, 30 students per grade, grades 6-8
- Rigorous academics and high academic and behavioral expectations
- Social Studies anchored on historical chronological timeline and themes and integrated with comprehensive language arts studies
- Strong STEM curriculum with practical hands-on activities and field work
- Frequent projects and group work reinforcing learning targets, teamwork and collaboration
- Students remain with their classmates as a cohort of 30 providing strong teacher and peer support and a personalized learning environment.
- Emphasis on developing analytical thinking, collaboration, effective communication, problem solving and time management skills
- Student mentoring groups with one 6th, 7th and 8th grader in each triad.
- Elective options including Band, Orchestra, PE, 3D Art, Robotics, Engineering Design & Modeling, and Spanish 1 for High School credit beginning in 8th Grade.
- A school culture of enrichment opportunities for example Honor Society, Leadership, Dances, Ski-club, Battle of the Books, Acceptance Day, All-school overnight camp, Stella-Spirit Days, student presentations for parents and several field trips.
- Conferences twice a year in November and March with Teachers, Parents and Students
2025-26 Incoming 6th Grade: We accept a total of 30 spots in the 6th grade. The next number to be offered placement is #57
2025-26 7th Grade: The class is currently full. The next number to be offered placement is #72
2025-26 8th Grade: The class is currently full. The next number to be offered placement for 7th grade is #108
Choice School application window for the 2025-26 school year
- Application opens: 8 a.m., Friday, November 1, 2024 on ParentSquare for LWSD students and online for students not currently attending a LWSD school. Closed
- Application closes: 11:59 p.m., Sunday, December 1, 2024. Closed
- Lottery held: January 10, 2025
- Notifications sent out: January 17, 2025
- Acceptance due from families: January 31, 2025
New Family Information Presentation
All 5th grade students residing within the Lake Washington School District boundaries at the time of the lottery are welcome to apply to Stella Schola Middle School. The lottery is held during the student's 5th grade year. Acceptance is determined solely by the district run lottery system so that all who apply have an equal chance to attend. Those who have numbers 1-30 will be offered placement, and the rest will keep their lottery number and remain on the original list to be called as space allows for a three year period. Maximum enrollment at Stella Schola is 90 students(30 per grade level). While the lottery is conducted for incoming 6th graders, older students may apply also, but will be placed on the waitlist behind the original lottery waitlist conducted in the 5th grade.